Diving into Diffusion Models
The blog will focus on the working principles of Diffusion models.
Nowadays, as Generative AI is making grade everywhere, most of us have become familiar with Midjourney, DALL-E, etc. These APIs are able to generate attractive images, given a simple to complex prompt by the end user.
A very basic intuition behind the algorithm used is that they try to get a sensible image (given the prompt) out of a noise by iteratively removing noise. Suppose we have an image of a dog, and we progressively keep on adding noise to it, so that the image becomes an absolute noise, in which we cannot recognise any object as such. Then we must also be able to estimate noise in the noisy image and remove the noise progressively to get a sensible image of the dog. The noise removal is assisted by the GPT style embedding obtained out of the prompt. So that while estimating noise, the network keep the semantic meaning of prompt into context. The pixels in the noisy image belong to Normal Distribution and we try to sample noise from normal distribution.
The above intuition is good for starter but there are multiple aspects of the logic which we will see in this blog.
We have a noise image (NIM), we pass it through a neural network, and our network predicts some noise which we essentially subtract from our noise image (NIM). We repeat this iteratively multiple times.
Step 1: Sample a random noise sample using random method of the framework in use. Here we need to mention the dimension of the image which we are trying to generate. Let us call this sample as org_samples.
Step 2: Initiate a for loop to iterate from T timestep to 0 (reverse iteration).
Step 3: Then we create some extra noise.
Step 4: Then we pass the org_samples into our neural network to predict the estimated noise. This estimated noise will be subtracted from our original noise samples.
Step 5: We subtract the estimated noise from original noise using a DDPM algorithm (Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model) and then add the extra noise created in step 2. This extra noise is added because adding some extra noise after subtraction gives more accurate results (experimentally speaking).
Neural Network Architecture
The network is a typical U-Net architecture which consists of downssampling followed by upsampling and assisted by Residual connections. We feed an input image and the output is a noise of the same size as that of input. The key thing about U-Net is that the input and output is of same size. Left part of the Unet is responsible for compressing all the information of input image into an embedding (hdn-64). We do this using multiple convolution layers. Then the right part is responsible for upsampling the embedded information into an output of the same size. We use same number of convolution layers for upsampling. While performing the upsampling, we can use other embeddings such as context vector of input promt (text) and time embeddings (tells model what time stamp it is) to assist our compressed embedding of input image (hdn). We add the time embedding and multiple the context embedding to our hdn.
We randomly sample the org_noise and then add it to the input image (IP_IMG). Then we train our model in a way that it should predict a noise (est_noise). Then we calculate the loss using estimated noise (est_noise) and original noise (Org_noise). We can use Mean Squared Error for loss calculation and then backpropagate. In this way our neural network learns to predict the noise by learning the distribution input image pixels (noise vs not noise). For more stable performance, the level of noise are randomly sampled for different images.
A bit more about Context Embedding
Context Embeddings are vectors that captures the meaning/information of the input text. Similar texts will have similar embedding vectors, for e.g. Boy and Man would have similar embeddings.
As explained in above section, we pass the embedding vector of text description of input image. For example, if we have an image of a happy dog, then we can pass the text “A happy dog” through GPT like embedding layer and pass the context embedding into out network.
While evaluating, we start with a random noise and a text description (prompt imagined by the user). Then we iteratively predict the noise based on context embedding and eventually we get an image close to our imagination.
We trained a Neural Network (UNet like) to learn the distribution of noise and not noise from input image based on a textual description embedding. Sampling is a key step where we created extra noise as well. We added extra noise after subtracting the estimated noise from original noise. The subtraction of estimated noise was done using DDPM algorithm. While evaluating, we start with a random noise and keep on removing noise based on text description embedding untill we get a sensible image.
Reference: https://www.deeplearning.ai/